Wednesday, April 13, 2011

K is for...

My sister has a habit of finding herself in strange and hilarious situations. She's been given a nickname because of it. I'll leave that out to protect the innocent. =) It's not that she's necessarily clutzy or anything, it's just that these things seek her out! ...or vice versa.

The closest I've come to earning a similar nickname is when my brother tried to call me Ninja Mindy, and (it was very early in the morning during paper route time) it came out Minja Nindy. I'd like to avoid earning any sort of reputation, and that's why K = Knitting is Knot for Me!

Two tools? Pointy ends? Close to my face? Strewn about my house? No good can come of this.

I give you Exhibit A.

Watch from 2:06 through 2:55.

I'll stick with one blunt hook, thank you. You knitters out there? Kudos to you! =) I'm forever impressed by you all.


  1. Ha! I crochet too and wrote about both knitting and kudos today. How cool is that?

    Popping in by way of the A-Z Challenge. I’m blogging at:
    Write, Wrong or Indifferent
    Marie Anne’s Missives
    In the Garden With Sow-n-Sow
    Every Day Crochet

  2. What a great idea! Doing alphabet themed posts is very clever.

    I've never knitted but my mother has a long time ago. I remember finding her 'tools' fascinating for some reason.

  3. I love to knit but only know a tiny bit of crochet. So far no knitting-related injuries :-)


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