Monday, July 15, 2013

Baby Blanket in progress

Here's a blanket I've been working on.

Help me out of this quandary. My friend lives kind of far away and is expecting sometime this month. I figured Red, White, and Blue would work well since they don't know if it is a boy or girl. However, I had hoped to have it finished and in the mail so they would get it around the 4th of July before baby was born. I'm not finished, so it's not going to be in the mail anytime soon.

My question for you: should I wait until baby is born and just send a pink or blue blanket? Or should I send this one anyway even though baby could be born weeks after Independence Day?


  1. HI Mindy, Just wanted you to know that I stopped by. To answer your question..I will ask a question..Did you make this blanket with your friend's baby in mind? If you did...then by all means send it..we have all been programmed to think that colors have meaning..and they do, but that doesn't mean it is the only made this blanket with someone in mind, with love on your yes, my vote is to send it..

  2. I say it was designed for them as a July baby, and totally makes sense. But you could always save it for yourself if you wanted, and make a gender specific one later!

  3. Advice taken, and blanket mailed! Thanks, ladies!


I love your comments and questions! I'll reply as soon as I am able. Thanks for visiting!