Thursday, September 9, 2010

Hat Fail

When I started this project, it didn't even cross my mind that I might not have enough yarn.

Clearly, I didn't have enough yarn. It didn't end as well as the last one.

Keep in mind that this is what I was going for.

Also, I'm not cool enough yet to have one of those Styrofoam heads. Orange Balloon will just have to fill in. Ha!

Anyone have any brilliant suggestions for me to salvage this project? This yarn is years old, so there wasn't anything remotely similar at the store. Will I just need to pull it all out? Will I have to do the brim in another color? Should I try for a stripe look for the brim? I'll take any suggestions and see what I can make for a solution.


  1. Aw, it's too bad you didn't have enough. I hate when that happens, I've done that plenty of times. I usually end up leaving it half done for a long time, until I come up with a solution or just undo the whole thing. Maybe you should do the brim in white or that brown color if you can find it. Or you can leave it like that and call it a cloche! lol.

    By the way, I got my styrofoam head at Sally's Beauty Supply for about $5.

  2. So frustrating, right?! I had hoped to find a solid of the brown, but it just wasn't there unless I wanted acrylic instead of cotton... I could hang onto it and keep looking. Maybe I should just get some white and make the brim solid white. Ugh! I just hate how often this happens. ;-)

  3. I think the brim would be good in solid white :-)

  4. Thanks for the suggestions! Anything is better than an unfinished project. =D


I love your comments and questions! I'll reply as soon as I am able. Thanks for visiting!